(1) 2021.1-今, 重庆大学, 赌博游戏app
(2) 2013.12-2020.12, 重庆大学, 赌博游戏app
工程力学系, 副教授
(3) 2011.6-2012.6, 美国Columbia大学, 地球与环境科学系, 访问学者
(4) 2007.9-2013.12, 重庆大学, 资环学院工程力学系, 副教授
(5) 2002.6-2007.9, 重庆大学, 资环学院工程力学系, 讲师
教材:(1)张晓敏, 《弹性力学》 ,科学出版社,2020.1;
(2)张晓敏,万岭,严波,张培源, 《断裂力学》 ,清华大学出版社,2012.9
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[2] Zhipeng Zhao, Xiaomin Zhang,*, Hengjia Zhang, Hongwu Tang, Yuan Liang,Numerical investigation into pressure-assisted sintering using fully coupled mechano-diffusional phase-field model,International Journal of Solids and Structures 234–235 (2022) 111253.
[3] Wu Zhouzhi, Zhang Xiaomin, Zhao Zhipeng, Zhang Hengjia & Tang Hongwu, Multi-source sintering transfer learning in small dataset sintering prediction scenario, International Journal of Material Forming, 2021, 14(5), 1157-1170.
[4] TanShulin, ZhangXiaomin*, ZhaoZhipeng, WuZhouzhi, Driving force evolution in solid-state sintering with coupling multiphysical fields, Ceramics International, 2020,46(8), 11584-11592.
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[6] Wu Zhouzhi, Zhang Xiaomin, Zhao Zhipeng, Zhang Hengjia, Tang Hongwu, Liang Yuan,Transfer learning aid the prediction of sintering densification,Ceramics International,2020,46(16),Part A, 25200-25210.
[7] Zimin Yan, Xiaomin Zhang*, Shulin Tan, Zhipeng Zhao, Numerical investigation on non-isothermal solid diffusion without phase transition using a full coupling theory combined with phase field method., Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications,2018, 74(2), 1018–1031.
[8] Zhang Long, Zhang Xiaomin*, Peng Song, Wave propagation model of heat conduction and group speed, Contiuum Mech.Themodyn, 30(4), 2018, P879-887.
[9] Zhang Xiaomin*, Peng Song, Zhang Long, Yan Zimin, Liang Yuan, Yan bo, Variational equation of non-Fourier heat conduction, Heat transfer research. 2018,49(3):275-285.
[10] Zhang Xiaomin*, Zhang Long, Chu Zhongxiang, Thermo-mechanical coupling of non-Fourier heat conduction with the C-V type: thermal propagation in coating system, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 2015, 38:1104-1117.
[11] Xiaomin Zhang*, Long Zhang, Zhongxiang Chu, Song Peng, Generalized form of boundary value problems method for material modeled as micro-polar media subjecting to the thermo-mechanical interaction,Continuum Mech. Thermodyn, November, 2015, 30: 1-15.
[12] Zhang Xiaomin*, Zhang Long, Zhang Peiyuan, Equivalent constitutive equations of honeycomb material using micro-polar theory to model thermo-mechanical interaction, Composites: Part B, 2012, 43: 3081-3087.
弹性力学, 损伤、断裂与疲劳
本课题组在多物理场耦合、计算流体力学、流固耦合,软物质理论几个方向招收力学的博士研究生和硕士研究生,优先欢迎理论基础好、对科研感兴趣勤于专研的同学报考,有OpenFoam, MOOSE等开源平台使用与开发经历的同学优先。