

个人介绍/ Personal Introduction


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       Feodor M. Borodich,教授、博导、重庆大学弘深杰出学者。原英国卡迪夫(Cardiff)大学终身教授,卡迪夫大学纳米科学与纳米工程中心主任,于2018年当选俄罗斯自然科学院外籍院士,2023年受聘为重庆大学弘深杰出学者特聘教授,全职加入赌博游戏app-赌博app下载 。已在接触力学、分形理论、断裂力学、纳米力学与摩擦学等领域发表科学论文被谷歌学术收录180余篇(//scholar.google.com/citations?user=bmbqpN0AAAAJ),兼任《Journal of Friction and Wear》、《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics》、《Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering – Tribology》等学术期刊编委。






1987-1993    ,俄罗斯国立技术大学,副教授    /    助理教授








  1. 纳米力学:纳米力学问题及其现象的仿真与建模;

  2. 接触力学:粘附接触力学,压痕方法以及摩擦学;

  3. 分形理论及其在力学中的应用;

  4. 生物结构、生物力学及仿生学研究。



  1. Borodich, F. M. (Ed.). (2008). IUTAM Symposium on scaling in solid mechanics: Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium held in Cardiff, UK, 25-29 June, 2007 (Vol. 10). Springer Science & Business Media.

  2. Borodich, F. M., Jin, X. (Eds.). (2022). Contact problems for soft, biological and bioinspired materials. Springer International Publishing AG.


  1. Borodich, F. M.*, Galanov, B. A., Suarez-Alvarez, M. M. (2014). The JKR-type adhesive contact problems for power-law shaped axisymmetric punches. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 68, 14-32.

  2. Borodich, F. M.* (1997). Some fractal models of fracture. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 45(2), 239-259.

  3. Borodich, F. M.*, Galanov, B. A. (2002). Self-similar problems of elastic contact for non-convex punches. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 50(11), 2441-2461.

  4. Borodich, F. M.* (2014). The Hertz-type and adhesive contact problems for depth-sensing indentation. Advances in Applied Mechanics, 47, 225-366.

  5. Borodich, F. M.*, Galanov, B. A., Keer, L. M., Suarez-Alvarez, M. M. (2014). The JKR-type adhesive contact problems for transversely isotropic elastic solids. Mechanics of Materials, 75, 34-44.

  6. Kossovich, E. L., Borodich, F. M.*, Epshtein, S. A., Galanov, B. A. (2020). Indentation of bituminous coals: fracture, crushing and dust formation. Mechanics of materials, 150, 103570.

  7. Berinskii, I. E., Borodich, F. M. (2013). Elastic in-plane properties of 2D linearized models of graphene. Mechanics of Materials, 62, 60-68.

  8. Borodich, F. M.*, & Keer, L. M. (2004). Contact problems and depth-sensing nanoindentation for frictionless and frictional boundary conditions. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 41(9-10), 2479-2499.

  9. Borodich, F. M.*, Onishchenko, D. A. (1999). Similarity and fractality in the modelling of roughness by a multilevel profile with hierarchical structure. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 36(17), 2585-2612.

  10. Borodich, F. M.* (1993). The Hertz frictional contact between nonlinear elastic anisotropic bodies (the similarity approach). International Journal of Solids and Structures, 30(11), 1513-1526.

  11. Borodich, F. M.* (2000). Some contact problems of anisotropic elastodynamics: integral characteristics and exact solutions. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 37(24), 3345-3373.

  12. Borodich, F. M.*, Keer, L. M. (2004). Evaluation of elastic modulus of materials by adhesive (no–slip) nano–indentation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 460(2042), 507-514.

  13. Borodich, F. M.*, Galanov, B. A. (2008). Non-direct estimations of adhesive and elastic properties of materials by depth-sensing indentation. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 464(2098), 2759-2776.

  14. Borodich, F. M.*, Volovikov, A. Y. (2000). Surface integrals for domains with fractal boundaries and some applications to elasticity. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 456(1993), 1-24.

  15. Borodich, F.M.* (1999). Fractals and fractal scaling in fracture mechanics. International Journal of Fracture, 95, 239–259.

  16. Borodich, F. M.*, Keer, L. M., Korach, C. S. (2003). Analytical study of fundamental nanoindentation test relations for indenters of non-ideal shapes. Nanotechnology, 14(7), 803.

  17. Epshtein, S. A., Borodich, F. M.*, Bull, S. J. (2015). Evaluation of elastic modulus and hardness of highly inhomogeneous materials by nanoindentation. Applied Physics A, 119, 325-335.

  18. Borodich, F. M., Gorb, E. V., Gorb, S. N. (2010). Fracture behaviour of plant epicuticular wax crystals and its role in preventing insect attachment: a theoretical approach. Applied Physics A, 100, 63-71.

  19. Borodich, F. M.* (1998). Parametric homogeneity and non-classical self-similarity. I. Mathematical background. Acta mechanica, 131(1-2), 27-45.

  20. Borodich, F. M.* (1998). Parametric homogeneity and non-classical self-similarity. II. Some applications. Acta mechanica, 131, 47-67.



  1. 1994,德国洪堡学者。

  2. 2018,俄罗斯自然科学院外籍院士。


  1. 项目来源:利华休姆信托基金(The Leverhulme Trust),项目名称:Adhesive interactions between particles and surface at micro/nanometer scales,起讫时间:2006-2009。

  2. 项目来源:欧盟委员会基金(Commission of European Communities ),项目名称:Charactersiation of wear mechanisms and surface functionalities with regard to life time prediction and quality criteria - from micro to the nano range WEMESURF,起讫时间:2006-2010。

  3. 项目来源:欧盟委员会基金(Commission of European Communities ),项目名称:Mechanisms of interactions in nano-scale of novel ionic lubricants with functional surfaces,起讫时间:2008-2012。

  4. 项目来源:奥地利摩擦学中心研究基金(Grant of AC2T Research GmbH),项目名称:Xtribology: Multiscale modelling and simulation of friction and wear processes,起讫时间:2010-2015。

  5. 项目来源:利华休姆信托基金(The Leverhulme Trust),项目名称:Nano-phenomena and functionality of modern carbon-based tribo-coatings (CARBTRIB),起讫时间:2015-2018。

  6. 项目来源:欧盟委员会基金/威尔士政府(European Commission/Welsh Government),项目名称:Cross disciplinary approaches to evaluation of elastic and adhesive properties of micro/nano thick objects,起讫时间:2016-2019。


extend1 [email protected] extend2 重庆大学(A区)赌博游戏app /400044
extend3 教授 extend4