

个人介绍/ Personal Introduction

刘瑶璐,重庆大学,赌博游戏app ,副教授。

邮箱:[email protected]


2010/10 - 2015/03  博士 机械系 千叶大学(日本)

2009/10 – 2010/08 东北师范大学,赴日留学预备学校学习日语

2007/09 - 2009/06  硕士 固体力学 重庆大学

2003/09 - 2007/06  学士 工程力学系 重庆大学


2015/03 – 2019/08  赌博游戏app-赌博app下载 讲师

2019/09 – 至今 赌博游戏app-赌博app下载 副教授


1. 基于超声导波的无损检测方法;

2. 基于机器学习的结构弹性常数的超声测量方法;

3. 双频/多频超声相控阵探头的设计;

4. 力学超材料


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2024.01-2027.12,主持 在研

2. 国家自然科学基金国家重大科研仪器研制项目,2023.01-2027.12,主要参与人 在研

3. 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,2022.08-2025.7,主持 在研

4. 制造过程测试技术教育部重点实验室开放基金(重点项目),2021.10-2023.10,主持 结题

5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2017.01-2019.12,主持 结题


[1] Jishou Wang, Youqiang Jiang, Mingquan Kou, Yaolu Liu*, Ning Hu*, Xiangyan Ding, Research on nonlinear ultrasonic method for evaluating the mechanical properties of 3D printing aluminum alloy. Measurement Science and Technology, 2024, 35:066002.

[2] 尚晓壮,刘瑶璐*,冯晓伟,胡宁,谭晓军,胡艳辉,冰雹和钨珠非正冲击下T800-CFRP层合板损伤特性的研究. 振动与冲击, 2024. (已接收)

[3] Youqiang Jiang, Yaolu Liu*, Ning Hu*, Jungil Song, Denvid Lau, Continuous-phase-transformation elastic metasurface for flexural wave using notched structure. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2023, 257:108563.

[4] Youqiang Jiang, Yaolu Liu*, Jiaqi Zeng, Yunlin Wang, Quan Xie, Ning Hu*, Equivalent elastic modulus measurement of cross-ply composite plates using Lamb waves. Composite Structures, 2023, 321:117230.

[5] Youqiang Jiang, Yaolu Liu*, Mingquan Kou, Houbo Li, Xiaopeng Wu, Xiaojun Zeng, Xiaoyang Bi, Han Zhang, Ning Hu*, Multi-parameter independent manipulation for flexural wave by notched metasurface. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022, 214:106928.

[6] Yaolu Liu*, Houbo Li, Jun Zhang*, Xuyang Liu, Liangke Wu, Huiming Ning, Ning Hu*, Design of elastic metasurfaces for controlling shear vertical waves using uniaxial scaling transformation method. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020, 169:105335.

[7] Yaolu Liu*, Shijie Zhou, Huiming Ning*, Cheng Yan, Ning Hu*, An inverse approach of damage identification using Lamb wave Tomography. Sensors, 2019, 19(9): 2180.

[8] Xiaoqiang Sun, Xiangyan Ding, Feilong Li, Shijie Zhou, Yaolu Liu*, Ning Hu*, Zhongqing Su, Youxuan Zhao, Jun Zhang, Mingxi Deng, Interaction of Lamb wave modes with weak material nonlinearity: generation of symmetric zero-frequency mode. Sensors, 2018,18(8): 2451.

[9] Yaolu Liu, Jun Zhang, Xuyang Liu, Youxuan Zhao, Ning Hu*, Damage inspection of shell structures using a technology of ultrasonic propagation visualization based on Laser scanning excitation. Journal of the Korean society for Nondestructive testing, 2018, 38(3):149-155.

[10] 刘瑶璐, 胡宁*, 邓明晰*, 赵友选, 李卫彬, 板壳结构中的非线性兰姆波, 力学进展, 2017, 47: 201714.

[11] Bin Hu#, Yaolu Liu#, Ning Hu*, Liangke Wu, Huiming Ning, Jianyu Zhang, Shaoyun Fu, Shang Tang, Chaohe Xu, Feng Liu, Alamusi, Weifeng Yuan, Conductive PVDF-HFP/CNT composites for strain sensing. Functional Materials Letters, 2016, 9(2): 1650024.

[12] Yaolu Liu, Yuan Li, Feng Liu, Masaki Morii, Ning Hu*, Alamusi, Huiming Ning, Liangke Wu, Monitoring of local plasticity using Lamb waves, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2015, 18: 339-351.

[13] Yaolu Liu, Ning Hu*, Hong Xu, Huiming Ning, Liangke Wu, A real-time monitoring technique for local plasticity in metals based on Lamb waves and a directional actuators/sensor set. Computers Materials & Continua, 2014, 53: 2489-2494.

[14] Yaolu Liu, Ning Hu*, Hong Xu, Weifeng Yuan, Cheng Yan, Yuan Li, Riu Goda, Alamusi, Jinhao Qiu, Huiming Ning, Liangke Wu, Damage Evaluation Based on a Wave Energy Flow Map Using Multiple PZT Sensors. Sensors, 2014, 14: 1902-1917.

[15] Yaolu Liu, Riu Goda, Kiyoshi Samata, Atsushi Kanda, Ning Hu*, Jianyu Zhang, Huiming Ning, Liangke Wu, An Efficient Algorithm Embedded in Ultrasonic Visualization Technique for Damage Inspection Using AE Sensor Excitation Method. Sensors, 2014,14: 20439-20450.

[16] Yaolu Liu, Ning Hu*, Alamusi, Tomonori Watanabe, Yuriko Koshin, Yanping Cao, Hisao Fukunaga, Relative reflection intensity of Lamb waves from elliptically-shaped damages in metallic plates. Smart Materials and Structures, 2011, 20: 075010.

[17] Yaolu Liu, Ning Hu*, Cheng Yan, Xianghe Peng, Bo Yan, Construction of a Mindlin pseudospectral plate element and evaluating efficiency of the element. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2009, 45: 538-546.


1. 胡宁;刘瑶璐;基于波的能流图的损伤诊断方法和实施该方法的损伤诊断系统,2016-3-30,中国,ZL201410030503.3 (已授权)

2. 刘瑶璐;姜又强;王云林;胡宁;孔维夷;张建;胡寿丰;一种用于反演各向异性特征的复合材料弹性常数的方法,2022-01-20,中国,CN202210064248.9(已授权)




extend1 [email protected] extend2 重庆大学A区理科楼407室
extend3 副教授,硕士生导师 extend4